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I'm Naomy, and I welcome you to a great start of your financial freedom and to a thriving life! First, I will introduce myself so that you can have an idea why Financial Freedom and Thrive is so important to me.

Just over twelve years ago, my life was shattered into pieces and I found and I found that I needed to support my family with no permanent source of income. I had spent years in universities in European had confidently been looking forward to a productive career life that was not seeming to come to fruition. I had founded a company in 2007 but gradually as the years went by that too became like a rock that I needed to roll up a mountain. Customers were few and the insufficient income led me to close down in mid 2015. 

My biggest desire was to find a job that I could do from home, in order to be present when my kids came home from school. School mornings are often hectic, and afternoons bring tired and hungry kids back home. I had taken a full-time teaching job in a remote part of the city that took over an hour to get to and I remember the rush at the end of my workday, trying to make it to the train in order to pick my boys up in time before the daycare and afternoon-club closed at 17:00. While this full-time job was essential, it was wearing me out and taking a lot of time away from my kids. 

I knew there had to be a better way to live. I needed to return back to entrepreneurship, with a clearer vision and strategy, and with a well-researched business model. In the year that followed I researched on what makes businesses succeed, and began a self-development journey that has been one of the best things I've ever done for myself. I went through countless business models of some of the most successful companies in the world, narrowing down to those that had effective corporate social responsibility, and those that visibly cared about their employees. 

So, why do I care for your financial freedom? Because your success in maintaining and increasing your financial growth directly affects how you interact with the world around you. Your thrive in financial freedom puts you at a leverage to impact others positively, and to keep increasing. Don't wait - request your free transformation guide today that will lead you to financial freedom and thrive!





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